Monday, 7 April 2008

The engine - what happened next

When I start a project, I tend to go all out. The internet has changed everything. What it did allow was for me to find undoubtedly the best engine rebuild/restore guy out there. The same name kept coming back to me time after time. Enzo Assainte of
Small problem...... I live in London, UK and Enzo lives in New Jersey, USA. But easily solved. I have an office in the Metlife Building in good ole New York, New York. I duly called up DHL and they couriered it over to Enzo. I was due in New York six weeks later, so checked with Virgin if it was ok to bring it back as hold luggage. No probs they said, as long as it was empty of fuel and oil. My baggage allowance is 30kg and the engine packed up was around 30kg. Sweet. So here I am in New York on a Sunday morning in my hotel. I have never driven in New York before, so have ordered a Satnav to go with my rental car. However that was to be the least of my problems. Looking out the window I saw 2 ft of snow. This didn't prove to be much of a problem, and it only took me an hour to find Enzo. His garage is his workshop, and from inside looked just like any other pro garage with air tools etc. My engine was in a donor frame so Enzo could show me it working. He hand started it first time. I was impressed. It also looked like it had just come out the factory. In the background were several other engines Enzo was working on. Cheers Enzo.

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