Hi. This blog is the brief history of my 1969 Honda Z50A-K1 and my restoration of it. This is my first project for many years and you will see it warts and all. You will see where I have gone wrong and where I have learn't the hard way so that I don't make the same mistakes next time. I have hired professionals where necessary and plan to do more and more work myself as I learn from either reading about it or from forums etc. I doubt I will recover the cost of this project but that is not the point. It has given me great pleasure doing it and taken me away from the TV. I have a second bike ready to restore when this one is finished. I should have started the blog when I started this project but I didn't, so it is not chronologically correct. However to give you an idea of timescale I bought it in October of 2007. I will credit those as necessary. The bike is also known as a Monkey Bike.
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